ProtoPie Tutorials

Welcome to our ProtoPie tutorials page! Here, you'll find detailed guides and tutorials to help you become a pro at using ProtoPie. It's a powerful tool for creating interactive prototypes, making it a must-have skill for designers and developers. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, these tutorials will enhance your skills and bring your digital ideas to life. Dive in and unleash your creativity with ProtoPie!

Displaying Initials for New Contact as in iOS

We'll harness ProtoPie variables to mimic the behavior seen in iOS when adding a new contact, where iOS displays the contact's initials by default.

Displaying a variable value in another scene

Building on the insights from our first variables video, we'll delve further into ProtoPie variables and explore how to showcase the saved value in an alternate scene.

Variables introduction in ProtoPie

Learn the fundamental concepts of ProtoPie variables and discover how to capture and store real input values into them.

Button states in ProtoPie

In this tutorial, we'll replicate the Duolingo button design and explore how to craft button states using ProtoPie.

Smart jump transition

Discover how to employ the "Smart Jump" transition in ProtoPie to animate UI components across different scenes.